Xianbo Deng

Xianbo Deng

 Discipline:	Anatomy of Animals
Tel\Fax:	020-85280234
E-Mail:	xbdeng@scau.edu.cn
Address:	College of Veterinary Medicine, South China Agricultural University, 510642
Additional Information:	Department of Basic Veterinary medicine


Xianbo Deng, Male, Born in Jiangxi province in 1963. Ph. D, Professor, in Veterinary Medicine. He is also the director of the Animal Anatomy and Histology Embryology Branch of China, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Society, and a member of The National Engineering and Technical Research Center of Pig Breeding Industry. 

In 1996, he was promoted as an associate professor in Jiangxi Agricultural University. In 2003, he was appointed to the veterinary college of medicine at South China Agricultural University. In 2015, he obtained his doctor's degree of veterinary pharmacology and toxicology in the college of veterinary medicine at South China Agricultural University. 

For 30 years, He have been engaged in the teaching and research of animal anatomy and the technical service of pig farm. The main research direction is the regulation of neuro-immune endocrine on microcirculation and the toxic mechanism of mycotoxins. He has published more than 50 related research papers, published 4 monographs, and popular science books. Participates more than 3 international conferences.

Education and Training Program: 

Mar. 2013 - Mar. 2014. University of Illinois, USA (Research Scientist)

Sept. 2007 - Jun. 2015. Ph. D. college of veterinary medicine, South China Agricultural University.

Sept. 1988 - Jul. 1991. M.D. college of veterinary medicine, China Agricultural University

Sept. 1981 - Jul. 1985. Undergraduate students in department of animal husbandry and veterinary, Jiangxi Agricultural University 

Working Experience:

Sep. 2013 - present. Associate professor, college of veterinary medicine, South China Agricultural University 

Jun 1996 - Aug. 2003. Associate professor, department of animal science, Jiangxi Agricultural University 

July. 1985 – May. 1996. Lecturer, department of animal science, Jiangxi Agricultural University 

Research projects: 

Host, Subproject of National Project 973: “Elimination of Vomiting Toxin in Pigs” (2009CB118805, 2009-2014)

Host, Combination of Ministry And Provincial Industry-University-Institute Project: “Development and Application of the Safe Production Mode of Moderately Scale Circulating Pig” (2011B090400228:2011-2014)

Participates, Guangdong Provincial Department of Agriculture Key Projects: “Study on Epidemiology and Prevention and Control Technology of Highly Pathogenic PRRSV Disease”(2006-2007)

Participates, The Nation Science Foundation: “Molecular mechanism of allosteric peptide on apoptosis and proliferation of neurogenic cells” (30700603) 2008—2011.

To Students :

From morphology to physiology, from normal to abnormal, with carefully observation, analysis and induction, you will find many interesting mystery.