Ying Li

Ying Li

Professor, Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, South China Agriculture University (SCAU), China 
Dean, Animal Hospital of SCAU, College of Veterinary Medicine, SCAU, China

PhD, Animal Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, Northeast Agricultural University (NEAU), China. September, 1998 - December 2001.
Ms., Animal reproduction, College of Veterinary Medicine, NEAU, China. Veterinary Immunology and Microbiology. Mentor:  Dr. J


Ying Li,Female,Born in Jun 3th, 1976, Hunan province, Ph.D.in Agriculture, Associate Professor. She is a member of faculty of small animal medince in Guangdong Province(2006-) and member of faculty of pet animal doctors in Guangzhou(2006-) and member of faculty of veterinary medicine and animal husbandry(2005-).

She received her Ph.D Degree in 2009 at south china Agricultural University and worked for 1 year of postdoctoral fellow at The Hebrew University, Israel. She received Associate professor position at South China Agricultural University in 2017.

Ying Li has been doing his research in livestock and poultry nutrition metabolic disease for more than ten years. Her research is currently focusing on pulmonary hypertension syndrome in broiler and role of over-load heavy metals on reproduction in male domestic livestock. She has published 18 papers in veterinary journal (in chinese) and 5 SCI papers as the first author or the corresponding author.

Education and Training Program:

Post-doctoral fellow, Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University, Rehovot, Israel(09/2012-02/2013)

Ph.D. in Basic Veterinary, College of Veterinary Medicine, SCAU, Guangzhou, China (09/2006-12/2016)

M.S. in Clinical Veterinary, College of Veterinary Medicine, SCAU, Guangzhou, China (09/2000-07/2016)

B.S. in Veterinary, College of Veterinary Medicine, SCAU, Guangzhou, China (09/1996-07/2000)

Working Experience:

Associate Professor, Dept. of Clinical Veterinary, SCAU, Guangzhou, China(01/2017- )

Assistant professor, Dept. of Clinical Veterinary, SCAU, Guangzhou, China (09/2006-12/2016)

Research Associate, Dept. of Clinical Veterinary, SCAU, Guangzhou, China (07/2003-12/2005)

Research Interests:

Effect of over-load heavy metals on reproduction in male domestic livestock.

Pulmonary hypertension syndrome in broilers

Laboratory diagnose of diseases in dogs and cats


1. Principal Fund of SCAU(Fund No.:2007K064)

Amount: RMB8,000

Period: 01/01/2007-12/31/2008

Project title: Affect of Ghrelin on thymus developmental

2. National Natural Science Foundation of China(Fund No.:31502131)

Amount: RMB 210,000

Period: 01/01/2016-12/31/2018

Project title: TRPC expression in pulmonary hypertension syndrome broilers

3.Youth Scientist Cultivating Program, College of Veterinary Medicine, SCAU.

Amount: RMB 100,000

Period: 01/01/2017-12/31/2019

Project title: Effect of over-load copper on reproduction in male domestic livestock


1..Li Y, Tang ZX, Xiang RP, Huang XQ. 2005. Changes of NO and effect of aminoguanidine on NO level in goats with endotoxemia. Chinese journal of veterinary science and technology 35(4):306-309 (Chinese)

2..Li Y, Zhang S, Xiang RP, Tang ZX. 2006. Effect of aminoguanidine on clinical features of goats with endotoxemia. Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine 42(10):10-12 (Chinese)

3. Li Y, Zhang S, Zhou Q. 2008. Valnemul only for animal. Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine 44(9):62-63. (Chinese)

4. Li Y, Liu HJ, Zou WS, Tang ZX. 2009. Effect of melatonin on liver impaired in goat with endotoxemia. Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science 1:86-88 (Chinese).

5. Li Y, Li YG, Yei Y, Zhang Y, Ma YJ. 2010. Localization, distribution and developmental expression of ghrelin in thymus of BALB/c mouse. ActaVeterinaria et ZootechnicaSinica 41(8):1024-1030 (Chinese)

6. Li Y, ZengJY ,Pan JQ, Han QB, Li YG.2011. Establishment of ascites syndrome model by intravenous injection of cellulose particles. Chin J Vet Sci, 31(2):245-248.(Chinese)

7. Li Y, Zeng JY, Han QB, Tang ZX, Guo JY, Pan JQ.2011.Effect of serotonin on the cell proliferation and apoptosia of cultured pulmonary arterial smooth cell of broiler. Chin J Vet Sci31(8):1205-1207(Chinese)

8.Li Y, Zeng JY, Han QB, Tang ZX,, Li YG ,Ning ZY, PAN Jia-qiang.2011. 5-HT Content in Pulmonary Arteriola Media of Broiler with Pulmonary Hypertensionand Its Relationship with Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling. ActaVeterinaria et ZootechnicaSinica, 42(8):1155-1160(Chinese)

9.Li Y, Zeng JY, Han QB, Tang ZX, Guo JY, Pan JQ.2012.Influence of 5-HT Transporter Inhibitors on the 5-HT Content andthe Proliferation of Smooth Muscle Cells in Pulmonary ArteriolarMedia in Broilers with Pulmonary Hypertension. Scientia AgriculturaSinica, 45(6): 1191- 1198.(Chinese)

10.Li Y, Zeng JY, Tang ZX, Li YG, Guo JY, Pan JQ.2013. 5-HT content in pulmonary arterioles of broiler with pulmonary hypertension and its relationship with pulmonary vascular remodeling. Avian Pathol.42(4):335-341. (SCI)

11.Li Y, Kalo D, Zeron Y, Roth Z.2016. Progressive motility – a potential predictive parameter for semen fertilization capacity in bovines. Zygote, 24(1):70-82. (SCI)

12.Zhang ZW, Zhi-GangTan, Qiao N, Kang ZL, Chen ZL, Hu LM, Yang ZM, Li Y*, 2016.Copper-Induced Spermatozoa Head Malformation Is Related to Oxidative Damage to Testes in CD-1 Mice. Biol Trace Elem Res. 173:427-432. (SCI).

13. Li Y, Kang ZL, Qiao N, Hu LM, Ma YJ, Liang XH, Liu JL, Yang ZM.2017. Effects of excess copper ions on decidualization of human endometrial stromal cells. Biol Trace Elem Res, 177(1):10-15. (SCI) 

14.Kang Z, Qiao N, Tan Z, Tang Z, Li Y*, 2017. Expression patterns and changes of the LCN2 gene in the testes of induced cryptorchidism and busulfan-treated mice. Syst Biol Reprod Med,63(6):364-369. (SCI)